Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chapter VI Part Deux: Fish On! and Other Happenings

Scientist ready for deployment

So we arrived at Laysan Island on Tuesday 8/19. A bunch a people went ashore. Three scientists (Kenady R., Angie K. and Colleen S.) and lots of gear (and possibly a few insects) came off Laysan en route to Honolulu. There were many moments of excitement and awe as various people experienced various things on island, but they will have to tell you about them. I crewed a small boat for the day, running gear and people to and fro.

Late in the afternoon after all personell and equipment were safely on board, the ship set sail for Lisiankski Island. In the meantime it was fish time. Monk seal girls rock at fishing!

Tracy, Kehaulani and Tenaya show off their catch.

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