MAN OVERBOARD! Three rings of the bell echo down the hallways signaling that some poor soul has fallen overboard into the big blue and is fading into the sunset as the ship powers along at 11 knots. Everyone jumps to action to get as many eyes up on deck to look for a tiny speck floating in the Pacific. This time it is just a drill and we are all looking for a orange flotation ring. Luckily, it was spotted quickly and pulled back on board.
Somewhere in this photo is the flotation ring.
The fast rescue boat returns after
the harrowing rescue of the
flotation ring.
The rest of the day today is being spent doing cetacean observations and catching up on work in the real world. Hopefully one of the other contributors will jump in with an interesting tale.
Scientist of the Day: Chad Y.
Chad's favorite song for research cruises and monk seal work is Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler.
Chad is one the best racquetball players in the state, well at least better than anyone else on the ship.
Chad loves Vegas.
BB forwarded your blog link to me. I am glad to see upon further reading that you didn't actually fall overboard! Missed you and Ari at ESA this year. Not quite like Memphis, but perhaps that is a good thing. Now that I have your link, I can keep an eye on your seal exploits from NC! - KK
I think it is worth noting that in the stunning portrait of Chad featured here, he is in fact eating the head of a Pacific saury - favorite snack of the northern fur seal.
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