Friday, September 12, 2008

XX: Departure Of Good Friends

Greetings all, Chad here taking over the posting for the cruise. Today we said goodbye to a few of our team members. With our Nihoa work done, Bob, Tenaya, and Charles could leave the cruise and head home.

We headed to Kauai last night once we finished at Nihoa, a 17 hour transit. Arriving this morning, we deployed one of our boats and dropped them off at Port Allen so they could catch a flight to Honolulu.

Once we got them safely ashore, we again turned northwest and began our transit back up the Northwestern Hawaiian Island chain towards French Frigate Shoals. We have about 450 miles to cover and it will take us about 48 hours to get there, plenty of time to rest and recover our sore muscles and tired legs.

We're having a quite night on board the ship. It's a different feel right now with three of our team gone. We've been together on board for over a month now and, as is common with good teams, fell into our routine. 

 I'll miss Charles peeking into my room every 30 minutes asking "when are we getting there?", Tenaya in the wet lab re-checking all of our gear for the 27th time, and Bob doing...whatever it is Bob does. They will be missed...

Stay tuned for more adventures from the Oscar Elton Sette. We'll soon be picking up our field teams from Lisianski island and Pearl and Hermes Reef. I'm sure they'll have plenty of stories to share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you guys enjoyed your day of rest. I was stuck on Kauai til 530. All the flights were full. Anyway, thanks to everyone for their hard work and good luck with the rest of the cruise. Please don't post any more pictures that make me look creepy.