Monday, August 18, 2008

Chapter Vb: More daily excitement

In addition to what Charles reported on the harrowing afternoon of drills and cetacean observations, many of the scientists were busy prepping for the field: nets to carry seals were being handcrafted on deck, flipper tags were being carefully filled with resin in the wet lab, buckets were being checked and re-checked...the ship was humming with the buzz of activity. Kehaulani, our cultural rep., made a ti leaf lei for the ship as a blessing and for safe passage through the Papahanumokuakea. Tenaya realized that she had never before heard the Mr. Roboto song by Styx, claiming that she had lead a sheltered childhood. But life on the ship is not all work and no play. The scientists found time for movies and episodes of Flight of the Conchords . And as is custom on the ship, all filled their bellies with many tasty delights from the galley: fresh Ono sashimi (caught by Kehaulani), homemade breads and pastries, strawberry shortcake, fresh fruit smoothies, homemade bluecheese dressing, gallons of ice cream, and much, much more.

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